Posts Tagged ‘recipes’

Gluten-Free Marshmellows

So its finally summer and I have been dying for a s’more but its a pain in the butt to make marshmallows from scratch. Now it is possible to make your own Gluten-Free marshmallows and here is a link to a video with some way to cheerful girls <_<“. The recipe in this video is not only Gluten-Free but also Dairy-Free and contains Agave instead of refined sugar. But If you don’t have the time (which it takes about a day to set) to make them from scratch you could also go to your local grocery store (I got mine from the institution know as Walmart) and pick up these *points to picture* they are absolutely the best marshmallows I have ever had! I have even thought of adopting them as another child and calling them MALLOW. But due to that fact that they are not a living creature that idea will have to wait. But these babies are big. Compared to a regular marshmallow they are 2 to 3 times the size. They do fit on a stick perfect and you only need 1 or 2 to satisfying your marshmallow craving. They are just as fluffy and cook exactly the same as marshmallows made near or with Gluten. But the best part is that they are Gluten-Free. But alas these lovelies are not sugar-free. And if your on a diet the calories… wait why the heck are you even thinking of marshmallows if your on a diet?… If you are in need of a recipe for Graham Crackers here is a wonderful link to Jules Shepard’s blog. This blog has tons of wonderful recipes for those who are on a Gluten-Free diet so check it out and enjoy. (^_^)/”